Saturday, August 5, 2023

APGA Osun Gives Reasons for Withholding Comment on Governor Adeleke's Performance, Achievements




The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has refrained from offering immediate commentary on Governor Ademola Adeleke's performance and achievements for valid and strategic reasons. The party believes that a thorough evaluation of the government's progress should be conducted before making any public statements.

In a statement issued by the State Chairman, Wole Adedoyin said, as of July 16th of this year, Governor Ademola Adeleke's administration completed its first year in office. According to him, APGA recognized that the challenges inherited from the previous Governor Oyetola APC-led government cannot be resolved entirely within such a short time frame. Cleaning up the mess left behind by the previous administration requires thoughtful planning, dedication, and careful execution, all of which take time.

Furthermore, Governor Adeleke recently appointed and assigned portfolios to his newly appointed commissioners. As a result, it is essential to allow these newly constituted government bodies time to settle into their roles and implement their strategies before passing any judgment on their performance.

Also, APGA believes in a measured and comprehensive approach to governance assessment. Rushing to critique a government's performance without ample information and time to evaluate its policies can be counterproductive and unfair. Therefore, the party aims to conduct a thorough and unbiased evaluation of Governor Adeleke's governance style.

In the interest of transparency and accuracy, APGA has decided to give the Adeleke administration a reasonable period to showcase its plans, policies, and achievements. Only through this patient approach can a fair and well-informed assessment be made on the impact of the government's actions on the people.

The party understands the urgency to deliver on the promises made to the citizens, and therefore, APGA commits to conducting a diligent review of the government's performance within the next five to six months. This will allow sufficient time for projects and policies to take shape, and their outcomes can be effectively measured.

APGA remains committed to holding public officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that the interests of the people are protected. The party acknowledges the significance of constructive feedback and its role in fostering good governance.


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